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Capturing The Social Pivot in Performing Arts

Author: John Knell   Outcome Measurement Since the Impact & Insight Toolkit’s inception in 2019, Counting What Counts (CWC) has been continually working with our project participants to co-create outcome


Let's Consider the Effects of Deprivation within Evaluations Using the Impact & Insight Toolkit

The full report can be accessed here, and we recommend that you read it to obtain a detailed understanding of the research undertaken and the findings achieved.   Cultural organisations


WHO is participating and HOW are they doing so?

Now that we are 18 months into the Impact & Insight Toolkit 23+ project (Toolkit), we thought it would be a good time to gather some information about participation in


The Importance of Adding Properties

In this blogpost, we’ll explore the importance of adding properties to your evaluations, how they enhance your data analysis, and how they contribute to answering key research questions in the


Why it isn’t a Case of Step 1, Step 2, Step 3…

Many Impact & Insight Toolkit users appreciate the flexibility of conducting quality evaluation with the Toolkit; however, there have been some questions about the consequences of this. One of the


Ambition and Quality, Peer Review, and the Toolkit

By investing in peer review, the receiving organisation will achieve a well-rounded understanding of how their work is perceived.   Ambition and Quality Investment Principle and Peer Review Peer review


Demystifying Dimensions

‘Dimension’ questions are a central component of the Impact & Insight Toolkit.  But what are these ‘dimensions’ and where do they come from?   What are ‘dimensions’? Dimensions are standardised


Reporting On-Demand

This blogpost provides the background and additional information regarding the Reporting Dashboard.  If you are looking for guidance on how to create the reports and interpret charts, please look at


Ambition and Quality: Putting it into Practice

Introduction At the beginning of April, Counting What Counts (CWC) launched the updated version of the Impact & Insight Toolkit (Toolkit) to support the National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) cohort in


The ‘New’ Toolkit Project – Your Questions, Our Answers

Having recently been chatting more about the ‘new’ Impact & Insight Toolkit, some great questions have been presented to us.  Whilst we have responded directly, we would like to share


Preparing for the 2023-26 ACE Funding Period

Check out the process by which we will be providing access to the new and improved Impact & Insight Toolkit, alongside the gradual termination of the current Toolkit project.


Ambition & Quality; Quality Evaluation Frameworks

Establishing an evaluation framework is incredibly useful when it comes to evidencing commitment to the Ambition and Quality investment principle.